Sunday, October 5, 2008


Wow, I really let life get in the way of something I enjoy doing again. It's been over a month since I last wrote anything. Although, this may or may not be typical behavior for me... it's possible that I just might be a natural born slacker. September was just an insanely busy month, even more chaotic than usual. We, as a family, managed to make it through by the skin of our teeth (and perhaps a bit of sanity to spare, not sure though, maybe we should take a poll). haha. I did try to write something a while ago, a beautiful, thoughtful piece might I add, and just before I posted it my little angel Christian came in and starting hitting buttons and deleted it. Being the persistent person that I am, I quit. No worries, it was only for a short while, and now I'm back to write about stuff that really has no meaning for anyone but me.

September. Crazy September. So much to say that even just thinking about it stresses me out again, haha. So lets do the short hand...
  • Christians 1st ever dentist appointment, anyone who knows my son knows that means a whole lot of AHHHHHHHHH! haha
  • School started for my 2 oldest, which means shopping stress, first day jitters, he said/she said/ best friends/ worst enemies, tons of monotonous paperwork for me, etc.

  • Courtney decided last minute that she wanted to play fall ball, so add all the practices and games into the mix.

  • Scott's brother got married, and both he and I were in the wedding party. That + 3 kids= empty bank account and nearly impossible if it weren't for my selfless cousin Sandy. She might as well have been their new mother this past month. haha. Thanks again Sandy if you're reading this, none of the ridiculous amount of help you give us goes unnoticed or unappreciated.


    Christian was a party animal, dancing up a storm the ENTIRE time! "Put me down Dada, I wanna dance!"

    They love each other... just not in public. haha.

  • Courtney turned 11 (HELP!), and the rehearsal dinner for John and Lex's wedding was on her birthday.

  • As an added bonus to that crazy weekend, Scott decided to have oral surgery to remove all 4 of his wisdom teeth that Thursday. What a bumbling dummy he was that day, but I still love him.

  • We also had Scott's cousins wedding to attend, which wouldn't have been a big deal... if it weren't an all day affair in Ocean City.

  • My Great Aunt Betty came into town so we had dinner at my Aunt June's house to spend time w/ her. That was actually pretty relaxing.

  • Courtney and Ryan both had dentist appointments and orthodontist appointments, which I somehow managed to do all 6 appointments without them ever missing a second of school. GO ME!

  • I apparently am the family mediator. If you know my family use your imagination to think about how stressful that can be. That's all I'm going to say about that.

  • At the end of the month we hosted Courtney's birthday party for her friends. We gave her a choice and she opted for a big gift and a small party. So we got her a digital camera and let her have a sleepover. A gaggle of prepubescent girls at my house all day and all night.... hindsight is always 20/20. haha.

  • We, Scott and myself, tend to be good at procrastination. Which means we've lived in this house for over a year and a half and poor Courtney's room still looked like it could be part of a crack house. (Arg, the guilt!) So we waited until the week before her sleepover to finally finish all the spackling, sanding, priming and painting. Needless to say, that week consisted of many long nights and little sleep. But she loves her new room and she's actually keeping it clean... for now. Ryan's room, here we come.

There is just a sample of the month that was September for us. There was so much more craziness, I just can't be bothered w/ writing the rest. We made it out alive, and I thoroughly enjoyed the chaos. The wedding was beautiful, my family has great teeth, the kids are active, happy and learning, Courtney's getting older... too old, one more home project is crossed off our list and we love our lives and each other. Now comes October, and I'm excited and ready. Bring it on! haha. My favorite holiday and my trip to England lie ahead of me. Life is good. GO PHILLIES!

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