Monday, August 18, 2008

My Early Birthday Gift

A few weeks ago my camera of 4 years decided that it finally had enough of all the abuse from us. The banging, dropping, tossing it in my bag or car or table, splitting open and slamming it back together finally took a toll. Any one who knows me, or any parent for that matter, knows that i could not possibly survive this world full of picturesque moments without a camera. A wedding, unnecessary, a dentist visit for myself, unheard of, but life without my camera, unbearable. So that's what i wanted for my birthday. Last night we, as a family, went out to look at cameras for my birthday gift. I found one that I liked, and it was reasonably priced. HD, 10.1 mp, as apposed to my old 4 mp. 12x optical zoom and 5x digital zoom, my old camera only having 3x digital zoom. There's a whole list of upgrades. Let the picture taking and memory capturing begin! Yay! Here's a few of the pics I took just trying it out.

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